Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sometimes the name says it all

Posted by Ed

It’s difficult to describe the feeling or magical experience that’s derived from cruising throughout the Caribbean islands, so it occurred to me that through the various boats we have run across, the names of some of the boats are a pretty good indication of how others feel about cruising.

We have spent time with new friends from San Francisco who sail a beautiful Chuck Paine designed custom Lyman Morse 54 called “New Morning”. They are currently in the process of circumnavigating and are headed to the South Pacific. With each new day bringing a new morning, it also brings with it a new adventure to their lives.

“Freedom” is a name I have seen several times which says a lot about the feeling derived of being totally on your own, free from the stress of the everyday work world and other obligations everyone is faced with on a daily basis.

While spending the winter in the Caribbean we have often remarked that this is a wonderful feeling of an “Endless Summer” which seems to be in sync with other boat owners.

Newly married, a young German couple who are spending their honeymoon sailing from Germany to the Caribbean and back to Germany over a six month sojourn are sailing aboard a Bavaria 42 called “Dream Catcher”.

A Hunter 42 we saw, tricked out with dual wind generators, solar panels and a full enclosure for comfortable living aboard was called “Daydream”.

The boat that really had my curiosity was a Jeanneau called “YOLO”. After doing some research, it seems the owner is from Des Moines Iowa and once he was introduced to the Caribbean, he decided to make a life of sailing in the Caribbean as a charter skipper aboard “YOLO” which says it all “You Only Live Once”.

Others we have seen that also say it all, are “Tranquility”, Living the Dream” and then of course, there’s GYPSEA!

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