Tuesday, May 25, 2010

50 Miles from Home

Posted by Ed

Gypsea is almost to her New England home (she has another home somewhere between 10 and 18 degrees North)! Its been a very cold and foggy last 24 hours and we are in the home stretch. Many dolphins have visited Gypsea the last few days and the crew for both legs of the trip north have been great.

The passage has been uneventful and included a variety of conditions with some very light air, some not so light, a bit of uncomfortableness in the Gulfstream, warm temperatures, some cold temps the last few days, pea soup fog and some really great ocean sailing.

I hope I'm speaking for everyone...I can't wait to get out and do it again!

Thank you to everyone, Liz and I appreciate all your help!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ed and Liz,

Welcome back! Glad to hear the trip back was uneventful and that you had enough warm clothing for these northern 'tudes. Cold? You call this cold? ;-)

And Lizard, you're actually going to go to work???!!!! I hope your new job is a 2-day-a-week no-show job for the state. There may be some openings in the parole office (you'll find out about that soon....).

Hope to see you soon,
Murph and Con