Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pot O' Gold

Many short rain squalls came through Falmouth and English harbor today with several uncharacteristic wind shifts to due North and the wind totally disappeared. This afternoon’s rain produced a full rainbow from one end of Falmouth Harbor to the other.

At the end of the rainbow was truly a pot of gold. The pot of gold, however, was the numerous mega yachts all lined up at the dock for the boat show, for the yacht charter trade.

I have never seen so many mega-yachts, both power and sail in one location before. These yachts are huge - some like 160 feet plus - - all sizes and shapes. They have been parading into English and Falmouth Harbor all week for the start of the boat show which runs from December 6th to December 11th.

A mega yacht may be chartered for a week for a mere $50,000 plus, plus. More to follow.

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