Friday, January 22, 2010

My Favorite Things

Posted by Liz
(to be sung to the tune of "My Favorite Things" from Sound of Music)

OK - now I know I have way too much time on my hands.... I was awake at 4am the other morning and the words just flowed ... had to write them down!


(Liz's Favorite Things):

Fans in the cabin blowing cool air upon us (thanks Wayne!)
Watermaker pumping fresh water to clean us,
Backscratcher stored on the shelf near my berth,
These are a few of my favorite things...

When the heat comes,
When my back itches,
When I need a bath...

I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!

(Ed's Favorite Things):

SSB radio for emails and GRIB files,
Tools and Hardware to fix what is broken,
Spare pumps and gaskets for engine repairs,
These are a few of my favorite things...

When a pump fails,
When we need mail,
When I need a part...

I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!

(Liz and Ed's favorite things):

Self-tailing wichnes to give us more leverage,
Bridle for dinghy to lift it on deck,
Hoist for the motor so it doesn't fall in the drink,
These are a few of our favorite things...

When we're lifting,
When we're hoisting,
When we're busy on deck,

We simply remember our favorite things, and then we don't feel so bad!

(Chipper the cat's Favorite Things):

Night Prowls on deck and star-gazing evenings,
Good brush and snuggles and treats before bedtime,
Laying in the shade with the wind in my fur,
These are a few of my favorite things...

When I'm cranky,
When it's hot out,
When I'm feeling sad,

I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad!

1 comment:

Jeff Kenyon said...

WOW - you DO have time on your hands! But that is what cruising is about, right?!? You sound like you are havig such a great time, experiencing the local flavors and learning along the way.

Google Maps shos quite a number of boats (when they last took a shot) in Sainte Anne, and a HUGE number in Le Marin along with marinas.

We hop eyou have a continued wonderful, safe and fun cruise. Will you stop in St. Lucia ro St. Vincent, or just straight to Bequia?

Cheers! Jeff & Pat Kenyon