Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lizzie's Solo Dinghy Flight

Posted by Ed

Liz has been enjoying many new experiences in the Caribbean, one of which was to take her "first solo" in the dingy. Oh, she has operated the dinghy a few times with both of us aboard, and a few days ago Liz needed to do some reprovisioning in town and Ed was involved in a boat project, so off she went on her first "dinghy solo."

Remember the first time you drove a car and everything seemed to be happening so fast even though you were barely moving? Well, Liz's "first solo" was a lot like the first automobile driving experience. She did very well and had good control of the dinghy but she was in a very safe slow mo. It was good to see Liz enjoy her new found "Captain Of The Dink" skills and now she is off and running around the anchorage with complete abandonment.

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