Friday, May 14, 2010

Weather window good - departing BDA on Sat AM

Posted by Liz

Ed just checked with Commanders Weather, and things look decent for an early AM departure tomorrow morning. There will be three of us - Ed, Jim O'Rourke and me, and of course, Chipper the cat! We should be fine, especially since the weather looks reasonably manageable and not TOO hairy! We should arrive back in the Boston area by next Thursday 5/20.

I did some last minute laundry this morning. Jim and Ed are putting fenders away and getting sails organized. We're going to clear out of Customs this afternoon, take nice long hot showers at the Dinghy Club, get some provisioning done (fruits, veggies, chicken, etc) and then have an early dinnner out, probably at the White Horse Tavern - our stomping ground.

Tonight we will hoist the dinghy up to dry off overnight, as it hangs in the harness, take the dinghy motor off and get it stowed away on the stern rail. Tomorrow we will deflate the dinghy and get it lashed down on the foredeck, will weigh anchor and be off - by 6am....

Please keep us in your prayers for a safe, comfortable and uneventful delivery back to Beantown!

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