Posted by Liz
On Tuesday, January 25th, we had a nice hot egg breakfast on board, and then went into town to do a walk along the coastline toward Anse Saline where we encountered many hermit crabs! It was a blustery, blowy, rainy (soft rain that was refreshing) day, but the rain felt great on us as we walked through the quiet hiking trails amongst forest and fields with cows on our left, and the ocean cliffs on our right. Very muddy hike because of the rain, but quiet and serene being off road. Parts of the hike reminded us of Naushon, where you have fields and ocean nestled up together.
Came back to the boat around 3:30 and were pretty hungry, so we thought we'd cook an early dinner only to discover - - NO PROPANE!! We also discovered that you cannot rfill Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) in the French islands!! They only have Butane, so we'd either have to move south to Rodney Bay, St. Lucia or north to Roseau, Dominica to refill in English based islands. We need to start heading north anyway, so decided Dominica made the most sense.
Very blowy and rainy afternoon and night which continued for the next few days, (wind from the wrong direction for where we're going - North - which means it would be right on our nose), with gusts in the 30's and not expected to let up for a few days. Seas are supposedly pretty huge, so we decide to just sit it out and wait for the right weather window. In the meantime, we're a bit confined to the boat - because even taking the dinghy ashore for a walk means getting super soaked with sea water!
Neither of us slept very well for those few days, worrying about the anchor holding. While confined now to Ste Anne/Marin area, we decide to get to Marin to do our laundry and pick up our new fresh water pump that a mechanic was working on for us. Can you believe - - $124 US to do 6 loads of laundry! EEK. As Ed mentioned, that probably equates to the cost of half of a washing machine! Oh well - it's done and we're set for a while.
Enjoyed and indulged in a couple of delicous lunches out (something we don't do very often at all) at Le Rendezvous in Sainte Anne. Nice to have a hot meal and hot tea and coffee since, without propane, all we can do is cold meals.
Still no propane, but I got creative a couple of nights and cooked up Vegetable Au Gratin on the GRILL! Took some cans of ratatouille and french beans and topped with grated cheese. Another night, sliced up a big zuchhini herbs, olive oil and a can of stewed tomatos also with grated cheese - put that stuff in heavy duty aluminu foil and grilled. It was actually really tasty and great to have a hot meal for dinner!
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