Sunday, December 20, 2009

Deshaies to Les Saintes - Friday December 18

Posted by Liz

A motor sail job the whole way - and turned out later in the day to be a rough passage. As we moved south along the west coast of Guadeloupe, the winds were on our nose and really starting blowing - - about 20 or so - so the boat was just beating into that and it was not fun. Lots of spray. Squalls came rolling in (but the rain actually felt kind of good on my salt-encrusted body!). As we rounded Guadeloupe on the Southwest coast and started heading a bit SE for Les Saintes, we were really beating and we were finally so glad to just make it there - but only to find the anchorage area already pretty full up - - and a bit challenging to find the right depth of water for us to drop the anchor in. But, we landed in a good spot - - sometimes a bit rolly as the ferries come in and out, but not too bad.
Isles des Saintes is idyllic and gorgeous. My battery is about to die right now - so we'll write more about this place again soon, and we'll upload some photos to share!
Here are some photos from our sail, Deshaies to Isles des Saintes.

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