Posted by Chipper (the cat)
Sometimes I wake up around 4 in the morning, looking for trouble. I try to stretch and claw my way out of the ports so I can escape onto deck and star-gaze and look for fish. But usually mom or dad hear me rustling and stop me in my tracks. So, back to sleep I go until about 6:30 or 7 when Papa (Ed) wakes up. We go up on deck for an hour or so until Mama wakes up. We look at the ferries and pelicans who are fishing for breakfast. Yikes, today I saw one that was pretty huge - I don't see birds like that back home in the backyard in Newton!
When Mama wakes up, we do "good brush" - and then she fixes breakfast for me and Papa. After breakfast, I'll head back up on deck and rest on the shady side of the boat, looking at all the harbor activity and feeling the nice, fresh, cool breezes on my fur.
Then, it's time for my sleep during the heat of the day, unless Papa has projects (like today he changed the oil) - in which case, I like to hang around and help. But after that, I head into MY suite - the V-berth which is forward. Mom brought my favorite "nest" - it's a gift box from LL Bean filled with white tissue paper. I like to lay in that and scratch my face on the edges to get all the "itchies" off. Papa also had a wind scoop made for the boat, which he puts up on the port above me in the V-berth and it funnels tons of wind down below to where I sleep all day - and cools off the entire boat. (We don't have air conditioning - this is the next best thing. Plus, our friend Wayne helped Papa install a ton of fans on the boat before we left the states, so between the wind scoop and the fans, our boat stays pretty cool down below.)
Mom and Dad sometimes leave me alone during the afternoon, while they go to the beach, snorkeling, for a little hike or to go provisioning. By the time they get back, I'm starting to get hungry for dinner, and after dinner, my very favorite time on the boat is at night - when it gets dark and the stars come out. I love to prowl around on deck and my curiosity gets picqued when I hear the fishes jumping out of the water to eat. Mom and Dad get a little nervous - so Papa created a tether, kind of like what I wear at home in the backyard, so I can only go about 12 feet in any one direction. But that's OK - I still have fun - and it's nice and quiet and peaceful.
After my night time "walk-about", we do down for one more "good brush" and then, when Mama and Papa are in bed, they feed me a few treats from their bunks. Then it's time for sleep. I like sleeping on the freezer/refrig in their aft cabin, cause it's a cool spot and I get to be close to them and dream about all the good things like fishes in the water and birds in the sky.
That's about it.... until the next day!